“2021 marks Barn Door Media’s 22nd year in business. The core of what has made us successful, and provided me with so much personal joy, has been the relationships we have with our clients, many of whom have been with us continuously for more than a decade. Shortly after founding Barn Door Media someone told me that I would need to be willing to fall in love with my clients if I wanted to have a successful professional services business. Years later, I finally understand the depth of that statement.”
—Shawn Twing, President, Barn Door Media, LLC

Recent Projects and Clients
An * indicates that we created this client’s current website.
Alpine SnowGuards
BNB Formula
Bug Out Candles*
Chelsea Public School*
Creative Economic Development Consulting*
EcoFasten Solar
Fat Hat Clothing Company
Farrow Financial*
Fine Paints of Europe*
Pro-Cut USA* (site design by Black Cap Studio)
Rachi Farrow*, Artist
Rochester Central School*
Rochester Central School*
Sana at Stowe*
Shelburne memorial Library*
Stockbridge Central School*
Snap-On – Total Shop Solutions (site design by Black Cap Studio)